NOTE: Video Tapes are only available on Pal VHS format.
FROM GROOM LAKE TO GULF BREEZE: ..................................... ú11.99
Join AAnthony & Carole James on their visit to Groom Lake & Gulf Breeze,
includes daylight footage of a UFO, also an interview with Ed Walters. 120 minutes.
A VISIT TO RENDLESHAM: ........................................................... ú9.99
An eye witness account of the landing of a UFO in Rendlesham Forest, Suffork
ngland in 1980. Filmed on location with eye witness Larry Warren. 107 minutes.
THE BENTWATERS INCIDENT: .................................................... ú9.99
(The Lecture) Video film of a lecture given by Larry Warren and Peter Robbins
about a UFO landing in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England. 160 minutes.
Please add ú1 postage per video.